Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Web search about Saint Patrick's Day


1.      Who was St. Patrick?
2.      Where was he originally from?
3.      What happened to him to arrive to Ireland for the first time?
4.      How long was he there?
5.      When and why did he return to Ireland? Why did he become its patron?
6.      What day do we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day?
7.      Why do we celebrate it on that day?
8.      One of the tales about St. Patrick is that he got rid of what animal?
9.      What does that tale symbolize? Could that tale be true?
10. What plant do people associate with St. Patrick?
11. How and why is it said that he used that plant?
12. What traditional foods are eaten on this festivity in Ireland? And in America?
13. Where and when was the first St. Patrick’s Day Parade?
14. How is S. Patrick’s day celebrated in America?
15. How is S. Patrick’s day celebrated in Ireland?
16. What is the job of a leprechaun according to the legend? What do they hide?
17.  Why is green associated with Ireland?

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